Digital Procurement Management

laptop computer showing application icons on screen

With more focus on AI-assisted programs to streamline workflows and accomplish more with less, most of the conversation comes from the technology behind the apps. 

A limiting factor lies within the management of all of those apps. Finding the right technology for your business is already a hurdle for many companies finding their footing. However once purchased, managing all the various subscriptions through unique portals becomes more consuming. 

The answer to finding, buying, and managing recurring services lies within a digital procurement platform. 

A Digital Marketplace For All Your Apps

The obvious advantage to an all-in-one procurement platform comes with the time saved finding and buying all the tech services your business needs.

Utilizing a digital procurement service gives businesses direct access to a single platform for purchasing cloud and other SaaS apps.  

Browse and purchase apps with a UX-driven platform, built to bring a smooth, e-commerce experience to management software. 

You’ll also have the advantage of shopping a huge catalog without the concern of double-checking contract obligations with other vendors.    

Manageable, Trackable Invoices  

Before budgeting even begins, wouldn’t it be nice to have trackable insights into your app usage? Knowing what you are and aren’t using on a monthly, weekly, even daily basis can inform important decision-making. 

Invoice management becomes clear and consolidated. No more will you have to jump between different vendor pay portals, or remember different passwords for each login. All payments can be managed in one platform with digital procurement management. 

Beyond agile management, data visualizers can help you understand your usage. Make renewal decisions based on real-time application usage and identify the weak links in your portfolio.

All-In-One Workforce Management 

App management is only a piece of this puzzle. The users of those apps, your workforce, also stand to benefit from streamlined onboarding and off-boarding processes.

Employees gain application access on day one. If new licenses are required, this action can be completed in seconds rather than days or weeks.

Digital procurement platforms centralize access points without security vulnerabilities. Enabling your workforce to their cloud apps and SaaS through a single location comes at no extra cost to your organization. 

Your team’s productivity skyrockets with the ability to manage all incoming data. Unified search and custom activity feeds provide the workforce with a clear and defined view of the day ahead.  

A Premium Experience For App Management 

Technology advancements are at an all-time high, and will only continue to skyrocket. Utilizing this software is important, but managing all those apps becomes quickly overwhelming. 

You may over or under-anticipate the usage. You may have also forgotten you purchased a niche app for a one-time solve, and have left it on auto-renew.   

Digital procurement software makes the finding, purchasing, and management process clearer. All of your apps, all of your billing can be found in one, easy-to-understand platform. Visual data charts make renewal decisions instantaneous. 

Recognize the need for simplified app management and billing. Talk with an expert agent to see what platforms are available to you.  
