Microsoft Teams: A Complete Voice Solution 

corded telephone handset on desk with laptop in background

We’ve talked at length about the features of Microsoft software services. Not only the largest by market share but also one of the oldest service providers, they’ve firmly planted themselves as one of the most popular options for business solutions

Microsoft Teams is used by millions of businesses worldwide. As a complete suite of cloud-based services, organizations small and large rely on these agile tools for local and remote connectivity. 

Microsoft’s suite of services covers cloud-based file sharing, messaging, client communications, and video. But what about voice? 

Though less popular in the age of instantaneous messaging, voice solutions are still essential to many businesses’ success. Regardless of industry or target demographic, innovative voice solutions enhance cold-calling strategies, daily updates, and customer service.    

Businesses Simplify Communications With Teams 

Microsoft Teams offers businesses a smart voice solution. The capabilities offered simplify communications throughout your company.

Cloud-powered voice is transformative for businesses regardless of size or industry. Employees benefit directly from streamlined communication and enhanced collaborative tools.

Employees spend the majority of their working time in communications. Integrating voice directly into the current business suite allows for a seamless transition, saving time with built-in calling features and less app jumping.

Teams’ voice offers auto-attendants, call routing, and waiting queues. These features help customers reach the right department the first time, or at least more quickly. For businesses looking to shake up their customer service impressions, Teams voice integrations can guide you in the right direction.      

What Voice Solutions Can Benefit You?  

As a voice solution, Microsoft Teams offers several adaptable options. The most popular ways are through Direct Routing, Microsoft’s Calling Plan, and a hybrid option. 

Direct Routing connects businesses to their voice infrastructure using a session border controller. Direct Routing affords the use of existing infrastructure and phone numbers.

Perhaps the most convenient method is purchasing Microsoft’s Calling Plan licensing. This option assigns users a predetermined bank of phone numbers for calling, voicemail, and other features. While quick and easy to set up, for businesses wanting to keep or connect an existing line, Direct Routing is still preferred. 

In other cases, Hybrid Teams combines cloud-based voice solutions with on-site infrastructure. Regardless of use case, MS Teams affords flexibility of connectivity through a unified suite.   

Copilot AI For Voice

With the burgeoning AI space, Microsoft has thrown its hat in the ring with Copilot. Offering agile, real-time support, the added benefits are fully realized with Teams and Office 365 integrations. 

Copilot for Teams Voice promises smarter call management, accurate transcription and caption generation, and real-time call analysis.

Designed as a chat interface integration for the 365 suite, Copilot is a powerful tool to be utilized across every role and industry. 

Evolving Features Of Copilot For Teams

Copilot uses your call history, voicemails, and transcripts to help write follow-up emails, analyze customer data, and make predictive considerations.

Cold calling and daily intake can become monotonous. Copilot AI captures the little details that may get missed during those calls with poor connectivity, right before lunch, or 30 minutes before quitting time.

Never miss a crucial detail with real-time transcriptions. Have an email already drafted as soon as you hang up. Trace the customer journey before taking the call. Know the temperament of the customer based on previous experiences. Copilot takes cloud-connected voice to the next logical level.    

Considerations For Teams Voice & Copilot

Investing in Microsoft Teams for Voice is a strategic investment. Strengthening Microsoft’s already integral voice service with Copilot AI features will set up your business for scalability.

When considering your adoption strategies, it’s crucial to understand your business’s strengths and opportunities, as well as those of Copilot itself. As the technology is still new and learning, it will take some careful planning to obtain the highest value.

Gradual scaling of Copilot use will not only benefit the technology but also the users. They will become more familiar with what Copilot can produce, and the AI will have a better understanding of specific organizational needs.

Consider working to establish a training and development plan for your team. Understand when and how to best utilize the software, and help your employees by gradually and intentionally utilizing the technology. This prevents early frustration, which ultimately deters them from ever using it again. 

Comprehensive, Intuitive Voice Solutions 

Connecting Microsoft Team for voice solutions enhances communication across the board. Employees benefit from all-in-one, and easily navigable app integrations, which promotes higher productivity. 

More focus is given directly to the customer, and even quicker than before. Emails pre-drafted, meetings transcribed, and buyer personas analyzed before the follow-up.

Learn exactly why Microsoft’s voice solutions are truly integral for your business goals. Here at Worldnet, we’ve done the deep dive on comprehensive phone and voice solutions. Microsoft Teams not only provides mobility, but with the promising integration of Copilot AI, they will definitely remain one of the main service providers to follow.
