Even when the internet was young, hackers and other cyber threats were exploiting vulnerabilities. With more attacks, solutions needed to be provided quickly.
In the early 1990s, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) began offering firewall appliances in an attempt to beef up security.
But as the defense becomes better, so too does the attack. Cyber threats are more prevalent than ever, and huge amounts of sensitive data is at risk nearly every second of every day.
As the need for better security had grown, the root of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) began to take shape.
With ever-growing and always present cyber security threats, many organizations have turned to outsourcing their security services to a trusted provider. MSS as a service model is offered by providers to monitor and manage security devices, systems, as well as software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Why is this important? MSSPs provide around-the-clock support, monitoring, and management. This proactive model is crucial in detecting and mitigating security threats.
As organizations and businesses grow, so too do their stores of data and other vital information. Security threats are constantly adapting to defense systems, even proactive measures, and it’s important for businesses to stay one-step ahead as much as possible.
MSSPs are intended to either replace or even augment internal security teams. The skill gap for cyber security means filling vacancies can be difficult, expensive, and time consuming to train. Partnering with MSSPs enables flexibility and agility in replacing or aiding a business’s internal team. With the added benefit of 24/7 security monitoring, you won’t have to hire night shift personnel. Cyber attacks can occur at any time, not just normal business hours.
Cybersecurity solutions work best when configured and managed by experts. When partnering with an MSSP, businesses can reap the benefits of expert management, while saving on the cost to have the same level of expertise in-house. As the regulatory landscape grows more complex, MSSPs too can aid in data collection and report on these findings during audits.
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) are both defined as third-party organizations. Both provide outsourced services used either in place of or in tandem with internal systems and teams.
The difference here lies in the focus. MSPs deliver general network services, IT support, and managed telecom. While there is some emphasis on cyber security, MSSP is squarely focused on providing security solutions.
A clear difference between the two comes from the management of their operations. MSSP operates a security operations center (SOC), providing that crucial, 24/7 monitoring, proactive measure, and response.
Many businesses can benefit from added security, not just internally. But the reality is, with the high point to entry, cost of trained employees, and time to train, hiring for the role internally isn’t always an easy solution for small or even medium sized organizations. Utilizing a Managed Security Service can help your business crack down on cybersecurity threats, and keep up with compliance. These solutions are scalable, and can work hand-in-hand with your business trajectory over your 1, 5, or 10+ year plan.
Finding the right MSSP for your business is the next step. There are more service providers than ever before, so making the right selection based on your budget and growth can be overwhelming. Partnering with an agnostic solutions provider can provide you not only the options that will work best for you, but they’ll identify the perfect match. Worldnet does the research, identifies the solution, and directly negotiates with the carriers for you. You don’t lift a finger. We also supply continued support and keep your service providers honest with annual, agnostic audits to ensure you’re still receiving the best price and services you need. Worldnet is your trusted technology agency. Contact us today to learn more about getting on board with Managed Security Solutions.
5415 Arsenal St
St. Louis, MO 63139
(314) 646-8444